Three days ago, on 12-Aug, we had Manish Sabharwal of Teamlease Services come to address our group who had taken the course on Planning an Entrepreneurial Venture. They call this guy a serial-entrepreneur whereas he insists that the adjective 'Serial' be used with only mean words like 'Killer', 'Rapist', etc.
The auditorium that is usually very hard to fill for any event here because of the continual pressure of acads and a multitude of parallel activities was full that day. The guy has earned a loyal audience by his spell binding presentations and speeches in various conferences here. And this day was not an exception. For 2 full hours, not a single person left Khemka (the Auditorium), and when he finished, he got a standing ovation for one full minute - quite a big thing here.
Here are a few witty one liners I remember from his presentation. They may look weird out of context here but were apt in the presentation. Nonetheless worth reading -
- Even if you win the rat race, you are still a rat (Damn! How many of us have realized this?!)
- You guys won the ovarian lottery (= you were born to a family who could provide you a respectable education. Respect man! what a logic!)
- Sexually transmitted CEOship (for family heirs becoming the CEOs of family owned businesses - blew me away!)
- One biggest advantage of being a bisexual is that you double your chances of finding a date (of course! Just that I never looked at it this way before!)
- If it went right, it was a skill. If it went wrong, it was bad luck.
- Entrepreneurship is about staying alive till you make money.
My quadi says I am influenced by the oratory skills and witty remarks. But, really, sometimes you go just for the pleasure of listening!
WOW..good ones indeed!
These lines are really awesome....
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