29 May 2008

On Top Of My Little World...


Pearson Professional Centers
18, Ramnath House
Yusuf Sarai
New Delhi

Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)

Sodium Hydro Phosphate

Quantitative: 51
Percentile: 99

Verbal: 47
Percentile: 99

Total: 780 out of 800
Percentile: 99

Analytical Writing Assessment: 5.5 out of 6
Percentile: 83 out of a maximum of 89 at 6

My Big Day :)

--- To Yusuf Sarai - The first world of my second life ----

Silently I had promised to your streets
That I would not walk you just today
As an 11 year old, holding my mom-dad's hands,
weak with surgeries
Struggling for life

With a child's certainty
I had promised to you

That I would come back
On my own bike
With my own money
And with a control on my life

That I would walk your streets once again
In a very different form
And my head still high
With the same old attitude
That only I rule my life !


Swati said...

WOW ..Congrats !!!

Abhishek... said...

It is very touchy Ankur.
I just bow in front of the greatness and will power you have.
I am feeling each and every word of the thoughts you had while writing such a perfect poem.
I know Harward is too small to hold this immense brilliance you have. But still, Best lucks for future, after all luck plays an important role...
This is just a beginning...

Anchal said...

We all are proud of u Bhai..
Very touching and very beautiful poem..
I love it.

Sodium said...

@swati didi

Thanks :)

Sodium said...


Thanks for the appreciation. But the words exaggerated whatever little character I may have. It was embarrassing to hear such lofty praise for myself.

Harvard is a great place. If it ever thinks I can match it's requirements, that would be an honour to me.

Still Thanks for your appreciation :)

Sodium said...

@stepping stones

Thanks dear :)

One of the ppl who gave me all that will power was you. You were a new addition to our family then and I hadn't had much time to play with u. So I had to bounce back.

Anchal said...

I've tagged you... Read my blog and find out..

Vamsi said...

Hi Sodiumm,

iam a new entrant into your Blog. Was searching for some info on SPJAT and got this blog link.

I was going thru ur previous articles, Amazing Yaar :-)...now tats wat i can say...nothing more befitting

Though i know its late let me congratulate on your 780...You rock man...

Wud luv to read more from u...

Sodium said...

Thanks Vamsi for your words and wishes :)