27 Sept 2007

A heretic's confession...

What is CAT but a delusion of Indians with the perceived grandeur of their mental prowess!

What do the CAT 'bellers' gain but a few material assets, whose significance lies in their individual perceived notions of achievement, a delusive spiritual advantage over their brethrens, and a pretty bum for a girlfriend determined to be their wife! The last one is of course a gain whose danger doesn’t depend on individual perceived notions but is a fact as plain as the rising of sun in the east, democracy of the west and spitting of Indians on the roads!

Who does CAT appeal to but only masses that are an arrangement of bones and flesh driven by herd behavior and without something as a sense of want and want not!

Where does it lead them to but a land of fanatics for two years and forever!

What does it produce for an end product but the likes of the sub prime mortgage crisis!


Swati said...

Where did the other post go ..about the general social acceptance ????

Swati said...

It was a nice thoughtful post. Why did you make it offline ?

Sodium said...

That was too contemplative to be put here di. Further some people might have disliked it! I thought so.

Swati said...

Thats your blog..what the hell if people dislike it.

Sodium said...

Hmm. ya you are right. The main reason was that it was too contemplative to be put here.

I plan to make a separate blog for such and even more contemplative writings of mine and perhaps not to reveal my identity in that.
You know, revealing the inner side of self too much in public has the potential to make the life chaotic and make the self vulnerable.